Information for those who have been invited to take part

Why have I been invited to take part?

Over 100,000 households in the UK have been asked to take part in this study. Yours is one of those, selected at random from a list of all the UK’s addresses held by the Royal Mail. We have no other information about your household.

What will I be asked to do?

If you take part in the first survey and agree to take part in the PUBLIC Voice study in the future, you will be invited to answer additional questions every 4 to 8 weeks. These will usually take between 15 and 20 minutes to answer. You can answer these questions either online or by telephone.

To thank you for your contribution, we will usually give you a shopping voucher worth £10, or you can donate the same amount to charity if you prefer.

It will always be your choice to take part or not. You can decide each time you are asked.

What will happen to my answers?

We will use the information you give us to help us understand the range of opinions held by people in the UK.

The questions will be on a variety of topics and most of them should be easy to answer. To better understand your answers, we will also ask you for some personal information including your ethnic group and your health. Although all the questions are important to us, you will be able to miss out any you would prefer not to answer.

Your answers will be processed so no one can identify you personally just from what you have said. Your answers will then be added to other people’s answers to make a ‘dataset’ that is given to the research sponsor. The LSE will also use some of these datasets, but with additional information about how the data was collected.

How will my data be protected?

Your personal details (name, address and contact details) will be kept securely by Verian and only used to contact you about the PUBLIC Voice study. No research sponsor will be able to access these details.

Taking part is voluntary and any information you give us will be used only with your clear consent. Your answers will be processed in compliance with the Data Protection Action 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation. You can be asked to be removed from the PUBLIC Voice study at any time and your details will be deleted as soon as possible.

You can access the privacy policy for this study here.

Who can I talk to if I have more questions about the PUBLIC Voice study?

You can email us at pvoice@veriangroup.com or leave us a message on 0800 015 3001. We will get back to you as quickly as possible (ordinarily within three working days).