About Verian

This research is being carried out by Verian to the highest scientific standards.

Verian is one of the UK’s largest social research companies and carries out some of the most prominent social research in the country, much of it for the UK government. In short, we interview lots of different people to help improve understanding of the changing social, political and business landscape in the UK.

Examples of our work

The Crime Survey for England and Wales | Office for National Statistics

The Crime Survey for England and Wales is the backbone of crime statistics in the UK and is regarded as one of the best of its kind in the world. Data from the Crime Survey is used to help the government find new ways to combat crime.

This programme of research includes 35,000 interviews with adults every year and a further 3,000 interviews with 10-15 year olds. Verian has done all the interviewing work for the last eighteen years as well as helping to evolve the study so it stays relevant. For example, it now covers fraud and cybercrime, exceptionally rare back in 1982 when the survey started!

‘Our Future’ – the longitudinal study of young people in England | Department for Education

‘Our Future’ is a flagship study for the Department for Education. It follows a group of several thousand young people who were aged 13 or 14 in 2013, interviewing them every year through to their early twenties. The information provided by these young people is critical source material for education policy in the UK.

Verian also carried out an earlier version – of people who were aged 13-14 in 2004 – which has now been transformed into a whole life study, stewarded by University College London.

Informing the future of road transport | Department for Transport

In partnership with the University of West England, Verian recently held a series of ‘group dialogues’ with members of the public to debate the future of road travel in the UK. Participants were brought together with a set of road experts to discuss new technologies – such as driverless cars - and different approaches to managing congestion and pollution.

You can read more about Verian’s work on our website.

Verian and Data Protection

All information we collect is strictly controlled and used only for research purposes. We take issues of data security, storage, protection and confidentiality very seriously. All information is processed in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation.

Our data security procedures are designed to minimise the risk of data loss and ensure that participants’ confidentiality is protected at all times.  As part of our commitment to data protection and information security, we adhere to the MRS and ESOMAR professional codes of conduct and many parts are certified to ISO 20252 the international market research quality standard, ISO 9001 the international standard for quality management systems and ISO 27001 the international standard for information security.

Verian is a Market Research Society Company Partner (MRS). For more information about the Market Research Society or to verify our membership, please visit www.mrs.org.uk or call (UK freephone) +44 (0) 800 975 9596.